About Clonazepam Question About Clonazepam And Alcohol...?
Question about clonazepam and alcohol...? - about clonazepam
The expectation was clonazepam. I wonder if it OK for a glass while drinking in the clonazepam? My psychiatrist told me nothing about it, but the pharmacy, says absolutely not. But online only states that on May cause dizziness. Is there anyone out there that this medication and you never drink the same day they take it? If so, what were the consequences? And how much alcohol you have?
Zeep is absolutely correct. That's how people end up dying with benzodiazepines.
Drugs such as clonazepam significantly lower tolerance to alcohol. At the place where a beer can someone too drunk to leave them alone. It obviously varies, but it is not advisable to drink these medicines. Alcoholic beverages with them their skills, most people, and for most people, even a glass of wine is hard to handle. It is a rare person with more tolerance than that, but most people are disabling and fatal.
Not a good idea. Google "Karen Quinlan", including the famous court cases resulting from brain death after a single Valium and a drink. You can go beyond the vertigo of death. Often, you can enjoy a drink or two in a nap under a benzodiazepine such as clonazepam have, but only if I used tranquilizers and drinking beer or wine - drink slowly. Every weekend, thousands of young people are crazy living proof that can survive high doses of alprazolam and alcohol, but not guaranteed.
The depressant effect of alcohol and clonazepam is synergies, so they drink more at the end and quickly lead to death if you drink a lot and / or when a high dose of the drug.
Usually when someone talks about how much they drink a doctor, the doctor knows that he report to multiply 2 or 3 is so that someone asks for a few drinks, generally understood, 6 or 9 This could be dangerous in this case.
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